I don't have any favourite artists. Throughout my life, I've fallen in love with a few educators who possess exceptional and remarkable qualities which I truly admire. They are my idols and inspirations. People say that women make good teachers, and probably that is true. Just look at the list of my favourite educators - Dr Joanne V. Rajadurai, Pn. Adabiah, Pn. Rohayate Rahmat, Dr Shakila Manan and Assoc. Prof. Dr Raihanah Mohd Mydin. ; )
In this blog post I'll just talk about Dr Rai and you will understand why she is special. First of all, let me share with you some information about her academic background.
Please click the link below:
Dr Rai taught me Comparative Literature when I was at UKM. Well, I can still remember how serious she could be when she tried to engage the whole class in a deep discussion of selected literary texts. Her enthusiasm, energy, wits and humour blended together so well that I had a totally new experience as a learner in her class. Seriously, I'm not exaggerating here. : ) Despite her serious and intense look, she's a friendly person who's always generous with her sweet smile. She carries an aura of self-confidence which complements well with her thorough knowledge on the subject taught. I like the style and clarity of her speech. It's just like there's this magnetic force which can attract you to pay attention and listen to her and all you know you're glued... I can never find her boasting about her achievements as she's a humble and down to earth person. She is good in motivating her own self and others around her and continuously strive for self- betterment as an educator, a researcher, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend, and most importantly as a servant of Allah. She is very much engaged spiritually and philosophically to the teachings of Islam and constantly fueling herself and others around her with the knowledge/information she has gained from various resources. I see her as a moderate person who tries her very best to strike a balance between world (dunya) and hereafter(akhirat). I remember thanking her for introducing me to her teacher, Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan through the YouTube videos she shared on her Facebook wall. In 2011 she shared the idea of memorising Surah al-Mulk in 30 days(one ayah each day) on her FB wall. I tried but I was slow and it took me longer than 30 days. Still, it is something positive. One can clearly see her burning passion in teaching and relentless thirst for knowledge. I can't explain it any better than how she herself explains her own cravings for knowledge, so check the link below:
http://onestoplearning.blogspot.com/2014/07/youtube-meaningful-learning-and.htmlWhen I reminisce my memories of the past when I was at UKM, I can never forget this one particular event. It was one of the days when I had to attend translation class at FSSK and after class, when it was time for me to go back to my college (Aminuddin Baki), it started raining. I always walked around the campus instead of waiting for the campus bus because the bus was always late and full (the passengers were packed like sardines ; p) . Unfortunately, since I forgot to bring my umbrella on that day, I had to wait for the rain to cease. One of my classmates who car-pooled with another classmate of mine offered me an umbrella so that I could walk in the rain, but I refused to take it as I knew she would also need it later. Soon, everyone had left and I found myself waiting alone at the faculty and there was no sign that it would stop raining. So, I started walking on the sidewalk in the rain until I almost reached the UKM mosque when I realised there was a car speeding past me and then right a few metres in front of me the car screeched to a halt. The driver reversed her car to greet me in the rain. It was Dr Rai. She offered me a lift back to my college. I was really touched. It's that little act of kindness that she offered unexpectedly which touched me the most.
I felt honoured when she invited me to her brother's wedding and later to her own wedding. Being an extreme introvert, I'm very selective when it comes to attending weddings. As I fully respect and love her, for sure I didn't want to miss her big day. My friend and I went to visit her at home after her baby girl, Sofea, was a few months old. As a wife and mother, she was adapting herself really fast to the changes that had been taking place in her life then... There were some problems but she managed to overcome those problems with her patience and doa. It has been years since I last met her and Sofea. Looking at the pictures now, I think Sofea (10 yrs old) is almost of the same height as me or slightly taller than I am? ; P Sigh!... most probably if we happen to meet again, I'll be too shy and speechless. I don't really know how I'll react... That will be an awkward situation, right? Well, as long as they are doing well and happy, I'll be happy for them. Dr Rai and I still keep in touch - I've been stalking her on FB and once in a while poking her, messaging, liking the videos and photos she shared on her wall.. and that's exactly how we communicate. Sounds childish right? It's only once in a blue moon, when the guts' button is turned on, I will call her.
Early April this year, when she texted and informed me that she was nominated for the National Academic Award, I was overwhelmed with happiness. She also told me that she would have to teach 8 professors in just 15 minutes. They wanted to see if she was good enough. Humbly, she asked me to pray for her. She said that she could do with a sincere 'doa' from a former student turned friend. Speechless...and touched. Without her having to tell me, I'll always pray for her and her family...Her success comes from Allah. Allah knows of her continuous effort to be a good person by trying her best to live life fully and righteously. Congrats to Associate Professor Dr Raihanah M.Mydin for winning the National Academic Award 2013 for teaching. (I take my hat off to you Dr Rai ; ) )
May Allah continue to shower His blessings towards her and family...