Friday, December 26, 2014

The loss...

Life is full of ironies. That's how I see my own life- a life which is full of ironies. At times, I can only laugh at my own foolishness and I deeply regret some of my words and actions in the past, but there's no turning back.
I have never felt like what I feel now- a great sense of loss and emptiness, it is like part of my life has been ripped away from me and I'm left all alone in my own world. Well, I thought that being an introvert it didn't really matter as I live in my own world and nothing could really bother me, but how terribly wrong I was. I have to admit that I do feel lonely after the only best friend I've ever had has passed away recently. I never thought that she would leave me so soon...Even with my family members around, I still miss her so much. The thoughts of her occupy my mind always...It's true that I can never explain how I truly feel. But to show my sadness and spoil the happiness of others around me is not something I usually do...

I'm not questioning one's mortality  and I can accept 'qada and qadar', what is fated by Allah will certainly happen and that is one of the pillars of 'iman'. However, sometimes I find it quite difficult to handle my own feelings. There are times when I feel really weak, it's like there's a heavy burden on my chest, I feel suffocated and all I want to do is to cry my heart out...That's when I make a lot of istighfar. To lose someone I love dearly is painful and no words can ever describe how painful it is. I don't want to let myself to be drowned in deep sorrow or self pity because that gives way to satan- that's the advice given by my late friend. When calamity strikes, that's when you get the closest to Allah. I realise that the reality is I don't really own anything in this world and everything is temporary. Well, even our shadows leave us in darkness...I still have Allah and that gives me the strength to keep on moving...until death stops me...

Allah knows what's best for us
So why should we complain
We always want the sunshine
But He knows there must be rain
We always want the laughter
and the merriment of cheer
But our hearts will lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear

Allah tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow
He tests us not to punish us
But to help us meet tomorrow
For growing trees are strengthened
If they withstand the storm
And the sharp out of the chisel
Gave the marble grace and form

Allah tests us often
And for every pain He gives to us
Provided we're patient
Is followed by rich gain
So whenever we feel that everything is going wrong
It is just Allah's way
To make our spirit strong.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Dr Rai...

I don't have any favourite artists. Throughout my life, I've fallen in love with a few educators who possess exceptional and remarkable qualities which I truly admire. They are my idols and inspirations. People say that women make good teachers, and probably that is true. Just look at the list of my favourite educators - Dr Joanne V. Rajadurai, Pn. Adabiah, Pn. Rohayate Rahmat, Dr Shakila Manan and Assoc. Prof. Dr Raihanah Mohd Mydin. ; )

In this blog post I'll just talk about Dr Rai and you will understand why she is special. First of all, let me share with you some information about her academic background.
Please click the link below:

Dr Rai taught me Comparative Literature when I was at UKM. Well, I can still remember how serious she could be when she tried to engage the whole class in a deep discussion of selected literary texts. Her  enthusiasm, energy, wits and humour blended together so well that I had a totally new experience as a learner in her class. Seriously, I'm not exaggerating here. : ) Despite her serious and intense look, she's a friendly person who's always generous with her sweet smile. She carries an aura of self-confidence which complements well with her thorough knowledge on the subject taught. I like the style and clarity of her speech.  It's just like there's this magnetic force which can attract you to pay attention and listen to her and all you know you're glued...  I can never find her boasting about her achievements as she's a humble and down to earth person. She is good in motivating her own self and others around her and continuously strive for self- betterment as an educator, a researcher, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend, and most importantly as a servant of Allah. She is very much engaged spiritually and philosophically to the teachings of Islam and constantly fueling herself and others around her with the knowledge/information she has gained from various resources. I see her as a moderate person who tries her very best to strike a balance between world (dunya) and hereafter(akhirat). I remember thanking her for introducing me to her teacher, Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan through the YouTube videos she shared on her Facebook wall. In 2011 she shared the idea of  memorising Surah al-Mulk in 30 days(one ayah each day) on her FB wall. I tried but I was slow and it took me longer than 30 days. Still, it is something positive. One can clearly see her burning passion in teaching and relentless thirst for knowledge. I can't explain it any better than how she herself explains her own cravings for knowledge, so check the link below:

When I reminisce my memories of the past when I was at UKM, I can never forget this one particular event. It was one of the days when I had to attend translation class at FSSK and after class, when it was time for me to go back to my college (Aminuddin Baki), it started raining. I always walked around the campus instead of waiting for the campus bus because the bus was always late and full (the passengers were packed like sardines ; p) . Unfortunately, since I forgot to bring my umbrella on that day, I had to wait for the rain to cease. One of my classmates who car-pooled with another classmate of mine offered me an umbrella so that I could walk in the rain, but I refused to take it as I knew she would also need it later. Soon, everyone had left and I found myself waiting alone at the faculty and there was no sign that it would stop raining.  So, I started walking on the sidewalk in the rain until I almost reached the UKM mosque when I realised there was a car speeding past me and then right a few metres in front of me the car screeched to a halt. The driver reversed her car to greet me in the rain. It was Dr Rai. She offered me a lift back to my college. I was really touched. It's that little act of kindness that she offered unexpectedly which touched me the most.

I felt honoured when she invited me to her brother's wedding and later to her own wedding. Being an extreme introvert, I'm very selective when it comes to attending weddings. As I fully respect and love her, for sure I didn't want to miss her big day. My friend and I went to visit her at home after her baby girl, Sofea, was a few months old. As a wife and mother, she was adapting herself really fast to the changes that had been taking place in her life then... There were some problems but she managed to overcome those problems with her patience and doa. It has been years since I last met her and Sofea. Looking at the pictures now, I think Sofea (10 yrs old) is almost of the same height as me or slightly taller than I am? ; P Sigh!... most probably if we happen to meet again, I'll be too shy and speechless. I don't really know how I'll react... That will be an awkward situation, right? Well, as long as they are doing well and happy, I'll be happy for them. Dr Rai and I still keep in touch - I've been stalking her on FB and once in a while poking her, messaging, liking the videos and photos she shared on her wall.. and that's exactly how we communicate. Sounds childish right?  It's only once in a blue moon, when the guts' button is turned on, I will call her.

Early April this year, when she texted and informed me that she was nominated for the National Academic Award, I was overwhelmed with happiness. She also told me that she would have to teach 8 professors in just 15 minutes. They wanted to see if she was good enough. Humbly, she asked me to pray for her. She said that she could do with a sincere 'doa' from a former student turned friend. Speechless...and touched. Without her having to tell me, I'll always pray for her and her family...Her success comes from Allah. Allah knows of her continuous effort to be a good person by trying her best to live life fully and righteously.  Congrats to Associate Professor Dr Raihanah M.Mydin for winning the National Academic Award 2013 for teaching. (I take my hat off to you Dr Rai ; ) )
May Allah continue to shower His blessings towards her and family...


Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hold My Hand by Maher Zain

The Simple Present Tense

The simple present tense

Form of the simple present tense

We add -s or -es to the base form of the verb in the third person singular.

I                     work
You               work
He                 works

in an office
She                works                        
It                    works
We                 work
You                work
They               work

Uses of the simple present tense

a)         Permanent truths
            We use the simple present for statements that are always true:
            Examples: Gases expand when heated.
                               The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

b)         ‘The present period’
            We use the simple present to refer to events, actions or situations which are true in the
present period of time and which, for all we know, may continue indefinitely. What we are saying, in effect, is ‘this is the situation as it stands at present’:
            Examples: Adam lives in Klang.
                               My sister wears glasses. 

c)         Habitual actions                                
The simple present can be used with or without an adverb of time to describe habitual
actions, things that happen repeatedly:
Examples:  I get up at 5am.
                   Tan smokes a lot.

We can be more precise about habitual actions by using the simple present with adverbs of indefinite frequency (always, never, etc) or with adverbial phrases such as every day:
Examples: I sometimes stay up till midnight.
                  She visits her parents every day.

We commonly use the simple present to ask and answer questions which begin with How often?:
Example: How often do you go to the dentist? – I go every six months.
Questions relating to habit can be asked with ever and answered with e.g. never and sometimes not...ever:
Example: Do you ever eat meat? – No, I never eat meat.

d)         Future reference           
This use is often related to timetables and programmes or to events in the calendar:
The exhibition opens on January 1st and closes on January 31st.
The concert begins at 7.30 and ends at 9.30.
We leave tomorrow at 11.15am and arrive at 4.00pm.
They leave for Japan next week.

e) Observations and declarations
    We commonly use the simple present with stative and other verbs to make observations                   and declarations in the course of conversation.
    I hope/ assume/ suppose/ promise everything will be alright.
    I bet you were nervous just before your driving test.  
    I love you. I hate him. 


Verbal Construction (The Verb + - ing or to...) - Part 1

Verbals is a term used to describe three verb forms: the gerund, the infinitive and the bare infinitive.

* The gerund( -ing)          
   Example: Running is good for your health.

* The infinitive (to...)           
   to run

   Example: They had to run to school today.

* The bare infinitive            
   Example: You must run to keep fit.

Whether we use the gerund, the infinitive or the bare infinitive depends very much on what comes before it in the sentence.  

Choice of gerund, infinitive or bare infinitive after certain verbs

Below is a list of the most commonly used verbs which can be followed by:
1. a gerund (-ing) only;
2. either a gerund or an infinitive (to...);
3. An infinitive only;
4. Verbs followed by a bare infinitive only.
5. Either a gerund or an infinitive (different meaning)

1. Verbs followed by gerund only
- admit                                               - fancy
- anticipate                                        - finish
- appreciate                                       - can't help
- dislike                                             - imagine
- discuss                                            - keep (on)
- enjoy                                               - mention
- avoid                                               - mind
- consider                                          - miss
- complete                                         - recall
- delay                                               - resent
- deny                                                - spend (time or money)
- detest                                              
- postpone
- practise
- quit
- recollect
- risk

1. They avoided talking to the old beggar.
2. I really detest having to take exams.
3. I can't help thinking how lucky I am.
4. I resent being told to do it.
5. He spends all his time playing video games.


2. Verbs followed by either gerund or infinitive (no change in meaning)
- attempt
- intend
- can't bear
- can't stand
- begin
- start
- stand
- continue                                                                                       

1. He attempted swimming/ to swim across the river.
2. I started studying/ to study for my final exams. 
3. She cannot bear listening/ to listen to rock music. 

3. Verbs followed by infinitive only
- afford                                                 - hesitate
- agree                                                  - hope
- aim                                                     - learn
- appear                                                - long
- arrange                                               - manage
- choose                                                - mean
- claim                                                  - wish
- consent                                               - offer
- decide                                                - plan
- demand                                              - prepare
- deserve                                              - pretend
- fail                                                     - promise
- struggle                                             - swear
- tend                                                   - threaten
- volunteer                                          

1. I can't afford to buy a new car.
2. He aims to become the next Prime Minister. 
3. I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. 
4. He refused to listen to my opinion.
5. I long to swim in the sea. 


4. Modal Verb followed by bare infinitive only
- will
- shall
- would
- would rather
- had better
- should
- can
- could
- would sooner
- may
- might
- must

1. You must work hard if you want to succeed.
2. Perhaps you would like to see my books.
3. He will be the first foreign teacher to teach here.
4. He couldn't explain why you should take my advice.
5. I had better go home. It is quite late. 


5. There is one more small group of verbs which can come before either a gerund or an infinitive. However, the meaning of the sentence changes according to the verbal used.

- forget
- remember
- try
- stop
- regret
- go on

Look at some examples of how the meaning changes according to the verbal used:

a) forget
I forgot to tell him.  ( Meaning: carrying out a duty or fulfilling a task)
I forget playing tennis for the first time. (Meaning: I have no recollection of doing so)

b) remember
I remembered to lock the door, but I forgot to shut the windows. (Meaning: I remembered that I had to lock it, so I locked it)
I know I locked the door. I clearly remember locking it.( Meaning: I locked it, and now I remember this)

c) try
I tried to paint the house. ( Meaning: I made an attempt/ effort to do it)
I tried painting the house pink. (Meaning: I experimented to see how it would look)

d) stop
He stopped to smoke a cigarette. (Meaning: He took a break and smoked a cigarette)
He stopped smoking cigarettes. (He quit/ He gave up smoking)

e) regret
I regret to inform you of his health (Meaning: I am sorry to say/ to tell you/ to inform you...)
I now regret saying what I said. I shouldn't have said it. (Meaning: I did it and now I'm sorry about it) 

f) go on
After discussing the economy, the president then went on to talk about foreign policy. (Meaning: go on to do something= do or say something new)
The president paused for a moment and then went on talking. (Meaning: go on doing something= continue with the same thing)




To know oneself is to know one's strengths and weaknesses. All these will be reflected in one's personality. When I started teaching, my colleague,who was the school counsellor let me answered a personality test and the result was really shocking. I almost scored full marks for being an introvert, which means I'm quite on the extreme edge.

I'm always the odd one in my family. I seldom attend 'kenduri' (feasts) or ceremonies be it for birth, engagement, wedding or funeral. Well, to be honest, maybe I've attended more funerals than wedding ceremonies. Mom used to call me 'kera sumbang' when I was small as I didn't want to socialise. I don't like crowded places like the wet market or the night market. Luckily, I like going to shopping mall ; ) (but not when it is crowded). If I'm at home, most of the time I'll be in my room occupied in my own world. Unlike what others probably think, I'm not lonely. I also always find myself in a difficult position when I have to start a small conversation and usually I'll do anything possible to avoid engaging in a conversation with strangers or the persons I like. Why? I'll be speechless...that's why! I don't really open up or speak to anyone except when I have to. I don't have big circle of friends.The ones I have, I really treasure and they become part of my life and my family. Am I obsessed in being an introvert? Not at all. Obsess is such a BIG word. I am who I am and I can't just lie, deny or pretend to be somebody else. It's a feeling that I'll never be able to explain. Only an introvert can understand another introvert. However, I have to admit that as years pass by, circumstances have pushed me to a certain extent to learn how to imitate extroverts. I'm capable of putting on different masks when I have to and when I choose to. It's not an act to deceive others to believe that I'm one of them but it's more of an act to 'appease' some people, and make the rest happy. No harm in doing little sacrifices to bring smile and happiness to others, right?




Friday, August 1, 2014

Song For You Far Away Lyrics

People around
Me are at it again
God only knows how they do it
One to another then back again
Something keeps putting them through it
Me i've been watching more than fifteen years
And it hasn't changed a bit
People keep talking 'bout a different line
But it never seems to fit

This is a song for you
Far away far away
This is a song for you
Far away from me
This is a song for you
Far away far away
This is a song for you
Far away from me

Sitting here all alone
Is bringing it on again i'm gone again
Sitting here thinking of you
Is driving it home again
This is a song for you far away so far away
This is a song for you far away from me
Open the door it takes me back
Oh it takes me back
Mention your name and i'm gone again
Oh i'm gone again
This is a song for you far away from me
Far away from me

Song For You Far Away- James Taylor

Israel Commits War Crimes While World Turns A Blind Eye | Interview with Harry Fear

Israel Targeting Civilians with Banned Weapons | Brainwash Update

News Reporter Exposes Israel on Live Television

US criticises UN decision to investigate human rights violations in Gaza

US criticises UN decision to investigate human rights violations in Gaza

Animation- Intrroduction to Palestine conflict

The History of Palestine

Saturday, June 28, 2014


it's her birthday...

It’s her birthday
Time for the celebration
of one’s personhood
I need to get her something special
To cheer her up and boost her mood

Her birth date is engraved
in my heart and mind
It is well kept and saved
In a place where only I can find

Each year I try to call her without fail
The same wishes might go stale
To make her smile and
brighten her day
Why not surprise her in my own way?

I browse the net searching for florist
I know none which is in my list
I spend hours to search for the best
Bloom is the best and I leave the rest

Is that necessary one may ask
Wasting your time on unnecessary task
For years asking for her home address
She did not bother to give but I’m not stressed
As I love her and
she deserves the best…




Thursday, June 26, 2014

When you are not a writer...

When I first ventured into the world of blogs (2009), I tried to get some pictures of how it would be like to have my own blog. For your information, my first ever written blog (which lasted for 2 years) was technically taken down and no longer exist after I did something really silly and I don't wish to talk about it. It took me some time to start from scratch again.

I don't know much about blogs and being a slow learner, I need a teacher who can be patient with me and repeat things a few times. I find that Mr You Tube is really very helpful all the time. I learn about different widgets for blogs, how to embed slideshow, and many other tips and tricks which are useful for my blog.

Looking  at my blog now gives me a sense of satisfaction, it is an achievement, but I'm still not happy about it. I find that it is empty without my own voice in it. I should be writing something...
 I have this problem... in which I always feel that I'm not really good in expressing myself, especially in writing. Sometimes I wonder how some people can so easily and freely write on various topics. Honestly, I see the use of words as a form of luxury that is open to everyone but only few really know how to utilise it well, while others abuse it to create the impacts that they desire.

Still considering myself as a beginner or novice in the bloggers' world, I am indecisive whether I should continue writing or not. Isn't it easier to just share what others have beautifully penned down rather than to crack my head searching for ideas to start writing?...What I write may be read by others- perhaps those who accidentally being routed to this blog in their search for some information. I don't think I'm going to impress anyone with my writings and that is certainly not the reason I write. I AM NOT A WRITER...and I do not wish to jump on the bandwagon- writing in blogs as everyone else is doing it. So, why am I writing now?
I guess, I just need my own space and my own voice, for my own sake...I live in my own world...how selfish does that sound huh?...



Saturday, June 14, 2014



This poem is told from a first person point of view, where the persona, reminisces her feeling of guilt, missing the beautiful melody of the bamboo flute played by her beloved long ago. She later questions and wonders if the flute is still being played now, as the village is now under populated and the paddy field is in a deplorable state. She mentions that, nowadays, relaxing and savoring the beauty of nature is a rare luxury. In the final stanza, she questions for the third time, whether her beloved is still playing the flute.  This time around, she admits that she couldn’t help but on the contrary, she feels guilty to be thinking of their love at their difficult times. The hardships portrayed here are unemployed young men, people disunited by politics and a ‘dying’ world.

The poem is set in a rural Malay village, which is undergoing a change. It is a quiet and deserted village. The paddy fields looked barren. Nevertheless, the ‘luxuries’, such as watching the rain, gazing at the evening rays, collecting dew drops and enjoying the fragrance of the flower, still exist in the rural.

·         Adapting to changes. This is inevitable. We need to adapt to all kinds of social, economic and political changes. In this poem, the flutist is aloof to changes happening around him.  
·         Love and appreciate the arts.
·         Love and appreciate the arts.
Moral Values
·         Aware of your family commitment.
Everyone needs to take responsibility to the changes that take place in life and act accordingly. The flutist does not succumb to the changes around him. He clings on to his roots. He is not aware of his family commitments. The persona, his former lover has progressed in life while he still leads his conventional lifestyle.  

·         Get your priorities right.
Eg: Village nowadays is left quiet and deserted. Rice fields are left barren, but the flutist continues to play his flute. He needs to realize there is time to play and time to work. Hence, one must get his priorities right.

Literary Devices

·         Point of View
Written in first person point of view

·         Structure
3 Stanzas (1st stanza- 9 lines; 2nd stanza – 8 lines; 3rd stanza – 8 lines)

·         Rhyme Scheme
Free Verse

·         In this poem the question “Are you still playing your flute?” is repeated three times.
            Each time, the question is asked in a different tone.
·         The word ‘my’ repeated in stanza 3, line 5-7. This emphasises how the persona care for people who are close to her.

Personification: Portrays human suffering

·         ‘the sick rice field’
·         ‘this world is too old and bleeding’

Metaphor: sick rice field (stanza 2, line 3)

·         The word ‘sick’ is used to describe the rice field. This gives us an idea that the rice field is barren.


·         Flute is a symbol of solace or comfort.


·         First stanza, the persona is longing to hear her beloved playing his flute.
·         Second stanza, nostalgic, when the persona recalls how she used to enjoy the luxury of nature.
·         Third stanza, the persona sounds worried as she addresses the violence that is taking place around her.

Diction is used to illustrate the persona’s idea.

·         Stanza 1, line 1-9 explains how the music from the flute by the flutist mesmerized the persona.
·         Stanza 2, line 2-8, the beauty of nature is emphasized.

Alliteration of the sound /f/

·         ….fragrance of flowers
Language and style
  • Rhetorical question
  • Descriptive and questioning
  • Simple style and no rhyme